about us

  1. About

Everyone wants to have financial freedom but very few people actually plan for it.

Mrs. Asha Gangar, the founder of MoneyMakerz Financial Advisors is a Chartered Accountant & Company Secretary. She has 9 years of experience in financial markets. She started her professional journey with Deutsche Bank & later on has worked with JP Morgan Chase prior to setting up her own advisory firm.

  • Why do we exist?

    We offer technology-based services for our clients to effectively monitor their portfolio and help them reach their financial goals. We are one solution for all insurance and investment needs. We focus at being the most reliable prompt and efficient provider of financial and insurance services.

  • How will we do that?

    Managing money is simple and not a rocket science unlike it is perceived to be. We wish to do in a different manner:

  • a)   Set realistic financial and personal goals
  • b)   Assess your current financial health by examining your assets, liabilities, income, insurance, taxes, investments and estate plan
  • c)   Develop a realistic, comprehensive plan to meet your financial goals by addressing financial weaknesses and building on financial strengths
  • d)   Put your plan into action and monitor its progress
  • e)   Stay on track to meet changing goals …changing personal circumstances changing stages of your life changing products markets and tax laws
  • What do we do?

    Our primary work is to look into the future and make a plan that shows you the decisions that you can make that will help you achieve short-term and long-term financial solutions.

    Also to find out your current investment and insurance portfolios and evaluate for future goals achievement.

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