Insurance Planning

  1. Insurance Planning

our services

what we offer

A thorough insurance review should be part of your wealth plan

It is very important to cover under the different insurance plans for different objectives in our life especially for the breadwinners who are supporting their family alone. Insurance is a important part of your wealth plan. A thorough insurance review will help you gain peace of mind and confidence. Our team includes experience insurance agents, life insurance experts as well as your wealth management advisor. Let us help you make sure you have the coverage in place to ensure your family maintains its current standard of living in case of a death or disability.

We evaluate a variety of insurance and investment options across all our lines of business to recommend an insurance and investment scenario to suit your needs. We also recommendations provided by Insurance Planning services include:

  • Life Insurance

  • Health Insurance

  • Personal Accident Insurance

  • Income Protection Insurance

  • Child Cover

  • Business Insurance

  • Home Insurance